Shooting more volleyball but shooting less

October 3, 2009 in Sports

I feel like during these first few weeks of school I’ve been shooting a lot. The thing that I’ve noticed is that I’ve been shooting less. I have been tying to think more about composition and have been more selective while shooting. I have also had interns at the paper shadow me on pretty much every assignment, at which I usually let them use my camera for at least part of the assignment.

I didn’t shoot very much at this volleyball game. I was tired from school, work and dorm life, but when I got the shot below I knew I had the shot for the assignment.

Nikon D3, 300mm, 2500iso, f/3.2, 1/800, manual

Nikon D3, 300mm, 2500iso, f/2.8, 1/800, manual

Nikon D3, 300mm, 2500iso, f/2.8, 1/800, manual

Nikon D3, 300mm, 2500iso, f/2.8, 1/800, manual

Less writing, more photos.